This is Autism

that cynking feeling

I couldn’t finish reading it.

I know it is dangerous to rely on other people for information, especially if I am going to form an opinion or have an emotional response to that information. The source document was readily available, so I had no excuse for not reading it myself. In fact, its widespread distribution was one of its disturbing aspects.

Yet I only read other writers’ responses. The posts attacking the “Call to Action” linked to the statement, but I could not bring myself to read all the words once I clicked through.

It’s been refreshing to see autism advocates and parents united against the statement by Autism Speaks co-founder Suzanne Wright. That’s important, since Autism Speaks has access to decision-makers and the money to further its agenda. Theirs was the first website I was referred to when a doctor suggested that Philip might be autistic. I’m not the…

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Wine & Airy Dresses



We can’t always trust our eyes. They lie. This morning I kept glancing at a magazine on my table (pictured above). I could have sworn it said “Wine and airy dresses to indulge your sweet tooth”. I kept thinking it just didn’t quite make sense. It wasn’t until much later when it caught my eye again that I looked closer and realized “dresses” was actually “dessert”.

Life is like that too. My pastor always says, “Lord, stamp eternity on my eyes so I can see things as they really are and not as they appear to be.” We look at our lives through earthen glasses and miss the bigger picture. God is looking from beginning to end with a plan in mind. We need to trust that He’s got it all under control and not let our senses fool us.

I encourage you to trust Him fully today!  Have a…

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Concept Art by Maya Sawamura Anderson

Concept Art by Maya Sawamura Anderson


Me2 metamorphosis

Maya Sawamura Anderson is a digital artist currently living in Tokyo. Maya received BFA Computer Art, 3D Animation from School of Visual Arts in 2004. She works on concept and game art.

Me2 shepard


The assassin s greeting


Mass effect shepard liara


Astrid and the dragonborn


The tactician


The dovahkiin s astrid

Concept Art by Jean Sebastien

Concept Art by Jean Sebastien






French artist Jean-Sebastien ROSSBACH blends a classic painter’s sensibility with cutting edge technology. He’s known for having illustrated the covers of Dan Simmons’s Hyperion series, George R. R. Martin’s A Game of Throne, Robin Hobb’s Royal Assassin and around a hundred more novel covers now.